»ila WORDLOCKS« The LETTER Combination TRAVEL Lock

»Ila WORDLOCKS« Traditional padlocks are activated with an easy-to-forget number code, or even easier-to-forget key. Remembering a favorite four-letter word is much simpler, especially when tired or disorientated by jet lag. Essential for traveling, also useful for gym and other bags.


Benefits at a glance:


  • In a word, letters are easier to remember than numbers
  • Bright colors stand out on the luggage carousel
  • TSA-approved so your luggage won’t be forced open by airport security in the US

produCt video

Watch this video presentation from Jacqui Hames - a former UK Police Detective that served as a Detective in London for 25 yrs and now produces and presents crime items for media and has a passion for womens personal safety.


She is one of Britain’s best-known real life Detectives having co-presented the BBC flagship show Crimewatch for 16 yrs presenting live TV appeals to solve some of the country’s highest profile crimes.